Random Speculation Monster

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Revision as of 18:59, 22 August 2006 by BrianEnigma (talk | contribs) (WTF is a RSM, then?)
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A truly terrifying monster of hideous proportions and fearful implications.

The Random Speculation Monster. It lurks around UnFiction, preying on the open-minded and inducing them to get over-excited. This definition may or may not be accurate and correct. If you know what the heck a RSM is, please help us out by writing a definition!

Source: Perplexicon

Source: http://duckiemonster.googlepages.com/rsm


Perplex City Humor

Seriously, don't take it seriously.

Perplexicon - Sock Puppets - RSM - Banana

Six Degrees of Sente Kiteway