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These e-mails were retreived from the VHC tempfile.

It is not currently known who Aparna, Martin or Akos are, but it is likely that they worked at Viendenbourg.

The e-mails appear to be in a similar format to the Leaked E-mails received by players upon completion of a set of four cards.


8080:xx95034 internal error bourgmail
criticalerror 420

Dear Martin

I don't really know how to say this, and I know it's cowardly of me to do it over keymail, but I think we need to take a break. The past couple of months have been great, and you're a really sweet guy, but I don't know that I'm ready for a new relationship yet, so soon after Ian. I do care a lot about you though, and I hope we can still be friends.

Your friend,


8080:xx95034 internal error bourgmail
criticalerror 420

Hey Akos

Finally pulled the plaster off. Argh. Said we should still be friends though - mistake? I know you're right - most obvious rebound relationship ever but I still feel bad for the poor little guy. Still, onwards and upwards right?

Drinks tonight?


Shirt.png Viendenbourg Heritage Centre

Violet & Scarlett went to Viendenbourg, and were shocked by the appalling display of ... tourism. Kurt managed to dislodge a choppy piece of data, affectionately known as the VHC tempfile, the contents of which changed everything.

Contents: Emails from Aparna | Emails between Sente Kiteway and Chadwick | Lab reports | VHC Security log | VHC gif file

Related topics: Jake Maine | Hobbs Island Transcript | Lancewood Archipelago | Special Project 487