Newspaper Text

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Revision as of 10:10, 28 February 2005 by Growfybruce (talk | contribs)
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The recent newspaper adverts are giving partial or incomplete sentences, we suspect that is is part of a larger text.

Current Snippets

  • not only an object of great significance to the city but also a technological wonder - USA Today 17.02.05
  • Able to trace it without any difficulty, wherever it may be. The Cube is - NY Sun 22.02.05
  • confirmed the thieves reprogrammed portions of the Academy's security systems, disabling three different - The Times 23.02.05
  • the Academy, said in a statement today: "As is well-known, the Cube is a unique object, with certain unusual properties. We have full confidence that, using our knowledge of its composition, we will be - Daily Telegraph 28.02.05

Snippet Order

A suggested ordering for these snippets is:

  1. the Academy, said in a statement today: "As is well-known, the Cube is a unique object, with certain unusual properties. We have full confidence that, using our knowledge of its composition, we will be
  2. Able to trace it without any difficulty, wherever it may be. The Cube is
  3. not only an object of great significance to the city but also a technological wonder