Perplexe Cité FAQ

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Revision as of 20:11, 14 November 2006 by Thomas Bookmore (talk | contribs) (FAQ for the Perplexe Cité project)
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  • Isn't "Perplexe Cité" a tad litteral for a translation of the "Perplex City" title ?

Well yes, French language doesn't always allow for wonderful translations. But it was the best way to keep the original play on word.

  • So you want to translate all the Perplex City cards, huh ?

Yes, but not only. Translating the Perplex City cards in French will give access to Perplex City to all of this audience that only speaks French - but it's just the first step in the whole project. Since Perplex City uses the ressources of several contemporary media (the Internet being the most important one) a translation of the sites that are part of the ARG - such as Quirky Acuity or The Perplex City Sentinel - is essential.

  • Is it really going to be of any use ? So many people speak English these days, even in France...

It's true, many people do speak English in France. But Perplex City's English is way beyond the average level of English French people master. Wouldn't it be a pity not to get to meet all those smart people, just because they don't speak the Bard's language ?

  • Ok, why not. But it's a pretty huge task ! If I help you, will I get paid for all this work ?

Short answer : No. Long answer : No, you won't be paid. Participating in this translation project is voluntary work ! A little like when you start the 13th Labour client on your computer. Or when you leave a card at the turn of a college corridor, or stuck between two seats at the theater.

And, quoting this guy nobody knows Dan Hon when I first mentioned this project to him :

  I should point out that your translation would have to be a fan-produced not-for-profit
  translation, and that we may produce localised versions of Perplex City in the future.

Clear enough, no ?

  • What if we have more questions ?

Shoot me an e-mail [1] about it, and I'll answer to you as soon as possible !

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