Subway Ad 1

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Project Syzygy
Life without cards

While not yet found in a subway, a Viacom site is currently hosting a subway poster/ad for Perplex City. This thread points to this MetaFilter post (by adrianhon, of all people), which in turn points to this site, which contains this ad.

The poster contains the four immediately visible puzzles as well as heiroglyphs in the background.


With the answers being:

1. Paris, Varanne
2. Metropolitan
 a/ Mansion House
 b/ Preston Road
 c/ Poplar
 d/ Victoria
 e/ Monument
3. We know, see puzzle card.
4. St. John's Wood 


The glyphs translate (thanks to Unfiction user Salkunh) as:


iw=i m SAs Hr pA hr tA n lndn niwt
iw=s wA n=i Hr twt nt mrwt
aHa wr n it Knbt n dHr xnt-S
ptr pA xnw nn

I travel on the under land (subway) of London town
far to him from the statue of love
The great palace of the sovereign court of hide (or leather) garden
Who/what is this the seating place

The transliteration is using semi-standard computer transliteration.