Halley Peace Accord
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- The Halley Peace Accord was signed in March 2005 (268 AC).
- Formally declares a state of peace between all of the involved cities for the first time (Though none have actively been in conflict with one another in hundreds of years, since The War).
- Recognized as a great move forward for all five governing bodies involved:
- Inside the city, some fear the peace accord will lead to strife.
- The city has been a self sufficient body for many many years, and it is feared this will open relations too far, and rock the boat too much.
- Logically, however, most will agree opening foreign relations should be a good thing.
- The Perplex City Council is planning a series of seminars to enable Perplex City residents to better adjust to the idea of outsiders visiting the fair city.
- In general, enhanced commerce is expected to be the greatest asset the treaty brings.