Postcard Code

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The Postcard Code

The code of 221545484848465100503215 is beneath the Semacode on the Perplex City Postcard, does this mean something? This page is going to be used as a workpad for the puzzle.


Postcard Semacode


  • We've tried using numerical translations into Kanji and Hebrew. No luck, though "2210" gives us "SEEK."
  • Various ROTing, and conversion to ASCII then ROTing proved...nothing but gibberish.
  • Tried translating to EBCDIC: still gibberish
  • Assuming code is a series of 2 digit numbers:
 - Reasons to believe this:
     1) "484848" jumps out as a pattern
     2) the numbers are clearly clustered and not very random
     3) all 12 numbers range from 00-51
 - Since numbers range 00-51 we've tried several simple translations using 2 alphabets 
   (ex. A=00, B=01,...Z=25,A=26,...Z=51).  
   - In some cases "484848" translates to "www", but the rest doesn't look like a URL (also tried 
   - In other cases, it translates into a set of letters which can be scrambled to come up with "cube"
     but the rest is undecipherable.  Note: letter on website refers to "XXX Cube" where XXX is blacked
     out.  It looks like about 6 or 7 letters in length, so it could be a proper name.