Old Town Explosion
- 05-MAY-06
- Cause is believed to be a faulty gas-line.
News Report
A major explosion occurred this afternoon in the Old Town, in the vicinity of the Caldera station. The affected building is Highview on Centine Way, just off The Shift. The building is heavily damaged and ablaze; thus far, rescuers have only emerged with one woman and two small children. It is feared that there will be no additional survivors, due to the severity and unexpected nature of the blast. In addition, firefighter Bryce Coriander is missing; the building partially collapsed while he was inside during the last rescue foray, and his team fears the worst. |
- Three residents have been confirmed dead
- Faye, Amber and Chester Yung are 3 known survivors.
- Kurt was caught in the blast as well, and was rushed to Phuah Hospital
- It is believed most other residents of the building are unharmed or were not present, due to the blast being in the middle of a work-day.
This piece of papr was found with kurt's damaged body:
It was decided that each shape represented one each of: Tanhill Botanical Garden, the Hausam Amphitheatre, Scott Young Memorial Plaza and the Triple Wheel Stadium, and if a large line were drawn across the landscape, it indicated Augur Park Station.