Barrow-Feld Syndrome
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- Degenerative brain condition
- Initially manifests by degrading the victim's ethical decision-making centers.
- Sufferers become unable to make consistent moral choices, leading to a variety of antisocial behaviours such as deceit, theft, fraud and increasing incoherence
- In its end stages, sufferers often descend through progressively severe psychosis and ultimately coma and death
- Known people afflicted with Barrow-Feld Syndrome:
- Julian Harrowak, Former Director of the Health Office.
- Jeanine Lowry-Barton, mother of four, Veritana trial user.
- Miranda Katsoulis, Academy Librarian, Isaac Cymbalisty's murderer lied to Kurt that she had Barrow-Feld to justify not talking about her frequent visits to Cognivia but the Ceretin 6 trial, of which she was a part, excluded people with serious psychiatric or medical illness.
- Perplex City Sentinel
- article, 24-JAN-06 "Harrowak Forced to Offer Resignation" (link)
- article, 30-MAR-06 "View from Earth: Medical Destiny" (link)
- article, 03-MAR-06 "Mother of Four Gains 'Whole New Life' in Drug Trials" (link)