Perplex City

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This page is in fFact under construction at the present time. While the data on it should be close to right, it should probably not be taken as fFact just yet until it can be verified and mulled over. In short, use this page at your own risk, at this time.

Perplex City is a soveign city state. The city has a strong tradition of placing importance on intellect and intelligence over physical strength; Perplexians are thrilled to play games and puzzles of all sorts, and their culture and lifestyle reflects this.

Language English
Council Leader Camryn Scott
Perimeter 120 miles
Area (assumed) 900 square miles
Percent Water roughly 1%
Population Estimate 5 million
Currency Leck
Major Religion Cubism


Something unusual about Perplex City is it's entirely unique calendar, which is important to establish. The year 1737 AD is marked being the start of a new calendar for Perplexian Society. It is unclear what exactly prompted the shift, however it is quite important to take into consideration when dealing with the full scope of history involved in a lengthy study.


According to popular speculation, nomadic groups first settled in the Mazy River area in 1763AD (3500BC). please write more about this

we neeed to paraphrase some stuff fFrom here


please write more about this


Perplex City is governed by an elected Council of nine members, one of which is elected City Council Leader, who holds strong executive sway but appears by all accounts to cast exactly the same weight of vote as any other member of the council. In political votes and issues before the council, the council leader shall cast the deciding vote.


Perplex City sits on the edge of the ocean, at the mouth of the Mazy River. Early settlers first moved into the area to the south of the river; Development has been slowly causing urban sprawl to creep ever northward. On a grand scale, the city is crawling north as older areas are abandoned, to be discovered centuries later in archaelogical digs. (See Catbite and Newguard Ruins)

Perplex City is flanked by the ocean to the East, the Catbite Region to the South, and the Northside Nature Preserve.

The City seems to be mostly even and level; no significant hills or valleys exist in the City.


Perplex City is a prosperous and stable modern market economy with its own currency, the Leck. The Leck is based on the value of silver, due to early silver mines along the Mazy River which essentially funded the blossoming city.

The City prides itself on being entirely self sufficient, containing farms and food producers enough to feed the entire population of the city.


The Perplexians are noted for a great interest in puzzles. This interest sinks deep into the culture, bordering on utter fascination. Even the most casual of activities may involve some sort of game or puzzle. The most highly watched and anticipated of public sporting events involves mental tests of prowess and ability. The PCAG (Perplex City Academy Games) are the perhaps the best known of these.

Perplexians have a fascination with Earth culture as well, which is at once foreign, and yet quite familiar. Several stores sell genuine Earth replicas of popular objects



Roads extend all throughout the city, suggesting heavy use of automobiles of some variety. It is reasonable to assume a fair amount of this traffic is mass transit oriented, such as taxis and busses.


There appears to be no significant air travel available. Perplexians are somewhat intrigued by Earth's use of airplanes, which is a foreign concept.

Mass Transit

A healthy, well used, well maintained subway system flows throughout the city, having 29 Central Stations. A Light Rail System is in use, Perplex City Rail, which connects to the subway at certain points. Also, running on the Mazy River is the Perplex City Riverboat Service, which also connects to the Subway and light rail systems at certain points.


Many interesting features can be seen throughout the city. The tallest building in Perplex City is the Ascendancy Point, which stands a mighty 1,300 meters tall.

True to perplexian form, it is not uncommon for structures to have a puzzle built into their construction. For example, The Buttered Bridge's support walls were designed to contain pictograms, which unfold into a puzzle of their own.

Below the City there exists a set of catacombs -- please write more about this


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