Salk logs

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Solved Puzzles

Found on using the sentences from the message contained within the maze created by Pietro Salk when he briefly awoke from his coma.

  • salklogs.doc Transcript in chronological order (with many interesting tidbits.)

Current Puzzles

find the username and passwords for:

  • 1) Enter username and password for "Dad"

  • 2) Enter username and password for "S's favourite flower"

  • 3) Enter username and password for "Our Song"

  • 4) Enter username and password for "Where S and I met"


  • Could the 'minder' be Garnet Reed?
  • Quercus is the genus name that includes Oak trees, could Q be a reference to Bernardo Holyoke?
  • The emails mention that Pietro and Sylvia met at a picnic, how does this fit into the name and password we need to access the 'theyarethisstory' file?